Status Meeting Phrases
I have finished task number ...
I have completed the task about...
I'm done with <task>.
I'm done with all my tasks.
I've done task number...
<Name> and <Name> are done with this task.
<Name> has finished working on <task>.
We've finished all the tasks in this sprint.
In Progress
I've been working on <task>.
This means that you started it in the past and you're still working on it.
At the moment, I'm working on <task>.
I'd like to continue working on <task>.
I'm still working on <task> because <reason>.
e.g. I'm still working on this task because it turned out to be a bit more difficult than I thought.
I'll be working on this task for two more hours.
I need about two days to complete this task.
Yesterday, I started task number...
<Task> is in progress.
I'm in the middle of fixing bug number...
I'm almost done with <task>.
I've been working on <task> for <time>.
e.g. I've been working on the task about the Item Picker for five hours.
Tomorrow, I'm going to start working on <task>.
I'd like to take this task.
I think I'll need around eight hours to do this task.
I think it'll take around <estimate>.
This task will take about <estimate>.
I'm planning to finish this task today.
I'm planning on getting this task done by Tuesday.
I plan to finish <task> by Monday/in three days / today / on Tuesday.
I'm intending to start <task> tomorrow.
What task should I do next?
What task would you like me to do next?
<Name> is going to work on <task> next week.
<Name> will take care of this bug on Monday.
I'll start working on <next task> when I finish <current task>.
I'll move on to task <task-as-link> after I complete task <task-as-link>.
Time Phrases
On Monday — в понедельник
By Monday — к понедельнику
In a week — через неделю
For a week — неделю (на протяжении недели)
For three days — три дня (на протяжении)
Last Monday — в прошлый понедельник
At the weekend — на выходных
Next week — на следующей неделе
In the morning / afternoon / evening — утром, днем, вечером
Tomorrow morning — завтра утром
On Monday morning — утром в понедельник